All about gasoline A92

All about gasoline A92

Gasoline is the most common fuel used in cars today. It is derived by crude oil refining, after which the resulting liquid is treated and can then be used as a fuel.

92 – number displayed next to the gasoline name – is the octane number. The higher the octane number, the better quality of gasoline, meaning that the engine runs smoother and will deliver much higher mileage.

Gasoline-92 is produced through a fascinating and yet quite simple process. In plain terms, oil is heated to a proper temperature – 35 to 200 °C in case of gasoline. The obtained liquid is than treated to remove harmful heavy metals.

Gasoline began to be actively used for powering vehicles at the dawn of the twentieth century. However, at that time its quality was far from perfect. Nowadays, the fuel is regulated by stringent standards. It undergoes thorough testing for compliance with GOST specifications before being delivered to a gas station. Gasoline with critical deviations is rejected and returned to the supplier.

The most well-known and commonly found fuel classification system is by octane number. This value is indicative of the gasoline knock resistance at a certain compression ratio in the combustion chamber. The higher the octane number of gasoline, the higher the compression ratio, which means that the engine run smoother, evenly burning the fuel-air mixture.

Wholesale gasoline:

You can buy gasoline-92 at any gas station – that is what, in fact, drivers in Ukraine do. It is wise to buy fuel at large gas stations. Large gas station chains rigidly monitor the quality of products they sell, this way you can be sure that your tank will be filled with high-quality fuel only.

But what should you do if you need to find a wholesale supplier? This is great challenge, particularly taking into account that a huge number of suppliers are now selling surrogate in Ukraine.

So how should you select the ‘right’ supplier? What details should you focus on?

  1. Any supplier striving to increase the delivery volumes will stay transparent in business. Such suppliers will beofficially registered, and information about their operations will be publicly available and easy to verify.
  2. A good supplier will confidently answer questions and readily present any necessary certificates of conformity, licenses and other documents evidencing that the company duly monitors the quality of the fuel offered.
  3. Positive references. Be careful to distinguish those written by a supplier himself from true feedback letters on letterheads with logos, seals and signatures. If necessary, you can always contact the referee-company and check whether they really had business with this supplier, and how did it work.

The above three tips will help to save your money and time.

Today UNTK offers wholesale deliveries of gasoline-92. We carefully monitor the quality of fuel, have all the necessary authorizations and permits, and our gasoline comes with all the necessary certificates and licenses, both Ukrainian and European. This way you will get the highest quality gasoline-92 at the most favourable prices. Besides, you can get even better prices due to our permanent loyalty programs for regular customers.